Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Teachers' Day

The Teachers' Day in Vilniaus "Laisvės" Gymnasium

Hello, dear friends,
We would like to tell you about one of our traditional school festivals – the Teachers’ Day. This festival is celebrated on October 5th all over Lithuania, but different schools celebrate it in their own ways. In our school it has become a tradition that the school leavers organize something for the teachers. Every year our students try to think of something different to make this day very special and memorable for the teachers. Traditionally teachers are congratulated and given flowers both from individual students and from whole classes to express their gratitude.

Another important moment is the substitution of the teachers by their students. The idea is to give the teachers an extra “day-off”, which means that teachers are not supposed to work on that day – their work is done by their students. As it is a difficult task to give a class to other students who are only a year or two younger than you, that’s why sometimes two students substitute one teacher. For the students it is a big challenge and responsibility, but we never lack volunteers to do it. On the other hand we start appreciating the teachers work much better… .

So, on October 5th Wednesday, at twelve o'clock all the classes were over and students were allowed to go home, except, certainly, for us, the 4th forms. We invited teachers to the assembly hall where he organized a show – program for the teachers. This was a big performance and we had to prepare for it.

The preparations started more than a week before: the very first idea was to create a show “Dance with a teacher”, but then our second thought was that not all the teachers would like it. So, after long consideration and lots of suggestions we unanimously chose the idea of “Golden Books”. Actually we had too many ideas and too little time, so we began from the most time consuming task – making of the rewards. We had to make 40 Golden books for the teachers and one large Golden book for the administration.

To make teachers feel cozy and relaxed we created a friendly café atmosphere, where teachers were served by students and treated with home-made cookies and sandwiches (we made them ourselves). In front of the entrance we laid a red carpet for the teachers and made photos of each of them.
The most difficult part was to gather everybody for the general rehearsal. There were a lot of arguments during that little time that was left till the Teachers’ Day, therefore we had to come to school at the weekend. The rehearsal at school lasted till the evening, so Paulius who cared about others most of all, bought some instant soup and brought to school. It was fun to have meal in such a way – all together. Then we went on with rehearsing and arguing and in the end we decided that we will improvise according to the situation.
The main purpose of our performance was to present a kind of a parody of each subject, involving singing and dancing which would typically represent the subject. After each subject representation we invited teachers who teach this subject and gave each teacher a Golden Book with the words of gratitude and congratulations.

It was fantastic to see smiles in teachers' faces and hear them applauding to our performance as well as thanking us for everything. We devoted our last song to all the teachers and it was very moving when teachers started singing together with us. The final ceremony was handing in the Big Golden book to the headmaster and donating an enormous cake to our beloved teachers.
The last minute it came out that our Geography teacher Darius turned 40 on this day – so everybody sang “Happy Birthday” to him.
After the performance we felt tired but very happy as we managed to make our teachers happy on that special day.

Dovilė and Laura

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