“SPECIAL DAYS TO ENJOY TOGETHER” is a Comenius School Partnership project about festivals; it involves two high secondary schools - Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “G.Garibaldi” Macerata, Italy and Vilniaus Laisves Gmnazija, Vilnius, Lithuania - and it is financially supported by the Agency LLP.
Why such a topic?
Feasts and festivals are elements common to all human societies, not only the European ones.
They are special times interrupting daily routine and providing moments of joy and celebration. They appeal to everybody and embrace all ages. They can show how influential the past can be over the present and the future.
Above all they are an important key to understand the cultures that produce them, a precious source from which we can draw knowledge of peoples, places and customs.
Join us on this journey through celebrations, learn about traditions, discover what happens on these special dates, find out what people do, what food they have and even try some of the recipes!