
Wednesday 22 February 2012

St. Valentine's day
Saint Valentine's day is an annual commemoration celebrated on 14 th February by italian lovers. They usually give to their lover some presents like flower, chocolate, greetings card, also called " valentines", to show their love for each other.
The noun of the feast comes from the name of one of the earliest Christian martyr: Saint Valentine.
Before is execution, he had performed a miracle by saving his jailer's daughter.
Roman Emperor Claudius II thought taht the man who was married, couldn't be good soldiers, but Valentine, however performed marriage cerimonies for young man.
The heart-shoped outline, the winged Cupid is the most popular symbol of modern Valentine's day.

We have chosen the Brazilian poet's Vinicius De Moraes work, written in portuguese

"Chega de saudade
a realidade è quek sem ela
nao hà paz, nao hà beleza
È so tristeza e a melanconia
Ma se ela voltar, que coisa linda,
que coisa lo’ uca."
" Reality is that without her
there isn't place, and there isn't beauty
it's only sadness, and melancholy
But if she comes, what a beautiful thing
what a crazy thing."
Here, there is a nice legend abuot S. Valentine
-legend of the sublime love
This legend tells about a young Roman centurion, called Sabino who fell in love with Serapia. They couldn't get married because Sabino wasn't christian so, the couple went to bishop Valentine to beptize Sabino. Unluckly few days before the marriage, Serapia became very ill. Sabino asked Valentine not to be separated from his lover; his life would be only a pain. Valentine celebrated the marriage and while he was blessing them, a blissful sleep enveloped the two heart for ever.

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